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  • Church Security: Responding to an Active Shooter

(7-Hours) This active shooter in the church covered a range of topics related to church security, emergency response planning, and working with law enforcement agencies. Participants learned about the definition and characteristics of an active shooter, warning signs of potential violence, and the psychological impact of such an incident on individuals and the congregation.


  • Developing a Strategic Plan for Churches

(7.5 Hours) This course provides a comprehensive guide to developing and implementing a strategic plan for churches. It covers the importance of strategic planning, the biblical basis for planning, how to define the purpose and goals of your church, the key components of a strategic plan, how to conduct a SWOT analysis, and how to set goals and objectives. 


  • Overview of New Testament Church Leadership

This course provides an overview of New Testament church leadership and is divided into 12 modules. It covers the roles and responsibilities of church leaders, including deacons, elders, choir leaders, trustees, and children’s workers. It also discusses the importance of effective communication and conflict resolution in ministry and the principles of leadership development. The course emphasizes the importance of understanding and utilizing spiritual gifts in ministry and includes a module on the five-fold ministry gifts of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. Throughout the course, biblical references are provided, including passages from the NIV translation of the Bible. By the end of the course, church leaders will have a deeper understanding of their roles and responsibilities and will be equipped with practical strategies for effective ministry.


  • Creating a Church Safety Team

(7.5 Hours) This course on creating a church safety team provides comprehensive training for churches to establish a safety team and implement safety measures. The course covers various topics, including the importance of church safety, emergency response planning, security measures, child safety and protection, mental health and crisis intervention, and team coordination. Participants will learn how to recruit and train safety team members, develop emergency response plans, address physical security vulnerabilities, implement child safety policies, and respond to mental health issues and crises in the church setting. The course emphasizes the need for effective communication, coordination with local law enforcement and other professionals, and ongoing evaluation and improvement of the safety team plan. Participants will gain the knowledge and tools necessary to create a safe and secure environment for their church community.


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